Craig Dickie – PGA Golf Coach / Player

Craig is my technical golf coach and all round good guy. Craig was a decent amateur for whom something clicked and he became a fantastic golfer, now juggling his time between coaching, playing on the Tartan Tour and having a young family.

Craig has a large following of clients that he takes really good care of and I am really pleased that he has joined us here at 360 Performance Academy.

Here is what Craig has to say about his golf career…

As a PGA Professional, I have built a strong client base, working with golfers of all abilities.

I have developed my own training methods aimed at the whole golf experience. Understanding that both the body and the mind have an impact on someone’s golf performance has helped me grow my own game, as well as my clients.

I believe that working within a team to develop individual training systems develops physical strength and the mental stamina required to compete at each individual’s optimum level.

At Craig Dickie Golf, I keep up with the latest training techniques and methodologies and consistently push my players to continuously improve.

So if you have had golf lessons before or are just looking to improve your game through golf coaching, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Craig works out of Clydeway Golf, at Blantyre Farm Road, Glasgow G71 7RN 

Contactable via 0141 641 8899.

Follow this link to go to his Skillest page to get an online lesson…